Funded Projects


Project title: GLYCOENGIN. Engineered Glycozymes in biocatalysis, metabolic engineering and bio-orthogonal chemical biology (PID2022-138252OB-I00)
Funding institution: MINECO, Convocatoria 2022. Proyectos de generación del conocimiento 2022
Participant institutions: IQS-URL,
Dates, from: 01/09/2023 to 31/08/2026.
Principal investigator (PI): Dr. A.Planas, M.Faijes (co-PI)
Researchers (at IQS): A.Planas, X.Biarnés, M.Faijes, P.Leivar. M.Carnicer

Project title:  DI-2022 BIOCON-IQS. Design of a bacterial platform for the expression of an industrial enzyme for food applications (ref. 22 DI 59).
Funding institution: AGAUR. Ajuts Programa de Doctorats Industrials.
Participant institutions: IQS-BIOCON.
Dates, from: 09/01/2023 to 08/01/2026
Principal investigator (PI): Dr. A.Planas
Researchers (at IQS): A.Planas, M.Carnicer.

Project title:  paCOSVALOR. Biotechnological production of defined chitosan oligosaccharids as immunostimulants. Upscaling and valorization (PDC2022-133580-I00) .
Funding institution: MICINN. Proyectos Prueba de Concepto 2022.
Participant institutions: IQS-URL.
Dates, from: 01/12/2022 to 30/05/2025
Principal investigator (PI): Dr. A.Planas
Researchers (at IQS): A.Planas,  M.Carnicer, M.Faijes.



Project title:  Desarrollo de un producto biotecnológico para la detoxificación de micotoxinas en pienso.
Company: BIONTE.
Dates, from: 7/2024 to 3/2025
Principal investigator (PI): Dr. A.Planas
Researchers (at IQS): A.Planas, M.Faijes, X.Biarnés.

Project title:  Expression of an industrial enzyme for food applications.
Company: BIOCON.
Dates, from: 1/2023 to 12/2025
Principal investigator (PI): Dr. A.Planas
Researchers (at IQS): A.Planas, M.Carnicer.

Project title:  Large-scale fermentation and purification of COS-producing E. coli strains.
Company: University of Gent.
Dates, from: 1/2023 to 3/2025
Principal investigator (PI): Dr. A.Planas
Researchers (at IQS): A.Planas, M.Carnicer

Project title:  Optimization and scaling of a recombinant protein production process in a heterotrophic microalgae.
Company: GAT Biosciences.
Dates, from: 6/2022 to 02/2025
Principal investigator (PI): Dr. A.Planas
Researchers (at IQS): A.Planas, M.Carnicer.